Tuesday, October 5, 2010

OpenNOP Open Source Network Accelerator

So I have been sporadically working on my pet project OpenNOP which stands for (Open source Network Optimization Platform). Several months ago I re-branded it from its former name of PacketSqueezer as it was to very similar to another open source project that I had been testing called TrafficSqueezer.

Originally I was using PacketSqueezer as an example on how similar results could be achieved without having to write an entire custom kernel. Something I really didn't like was having to compile a custom kernel to use TrafficSqueezer. Some of us just want to install and go.

I am really not a programmer so its mostly just me fumbling around. So if you are a programmer with some networking skills please spare a few cycles and check out the code. Its all uploaded at http://www.sourceforge.net/projects/opennop. I could use the code review and if you want to work on this just let me know. I would love to see it mature and become the open source alternative to "insert expensive commercial WAN acceleration solution here".


Anonymous said...

Good day Yaplej. My name is Stratos and I am from Athens Greece. I have been looking for such an OpenSource project a long time now and I found your project's blog. What is the current status of this? Have you managed to evolve it any further? I have just download the rpm and trying to install it on a Fedora14. I will keep you posted with my findings and please accept my request for some support as well. Best regards. Stratos

Unknown said...

Hello Stratos,

I have not had much time to work on OpenNOP so I have been looking for other more experianced developers to help me keep things moving along.

OpenNOP was developed on CentOS 5.x so you might have better luck with that or you can use the self-installing appliance.

Please use the support features at www.sf.net/projects/opennop if you need specific help though.

Anonymous said...

Hi yaple, I'm desperately searching a open source wan accelaration solution. I first come across to TrafficSqueezer but since I'm not much of "Linux Guy" found it difficult to compile the kernel etc.

I'm going to try your iso file, hope it works.

Unknown said...

Hi Layze,

OpenNOP is still not what I consider production ready. There have been a few serious bug fixes that need to be packaged so the appliance and iso can be updated.

I hope to have that done sometime in the next week or two. If you do install the current build though you can update it without needing to reinstall the entire system once the update is avaliable.

CloudOpt said...

Hi guys,

CloudOpt has made a WAN Optimization solution that has a free tier that can be used. Go ahead and check it out: http://www.cloudopt.com .

